Plant Paradise Country Gardens

16258 Humber Station Rd. Caledon, ON L7E 0Y9

Open Wed. to Sat. 10:00 - 2:00


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Plant Paradise Country Gardens

Ontario native plants - Liatris

Ontario Native Plants

The biggest reason to plant native plants in your garden is not that they are easy to grow or are low maintenance. Some native plants are quite difficult to grow and do require particular growing conditions to thrive. Always choose the right plant for the right location and never plant invasive species. We grow everything organically which ensures a healthy growing environment. Find out more about our growing practices on our About Us page.

The main reason to native plants is that they provide essential food for beneficial insects, bees, birds and butterflies. They also provide an eco-system that supports the healthy existence of native species of beneficial insects, bees, birds and butterflies. There may be holes on the leaves of the Butterflyweed (Asclepias tuberosa), but that is no reason to have a knee jerk reaction and break out the spray. Native plants are very resilient and can tough out some damaged foliage. We must learn to embrace the beautifully real world of organic gardening.

I have chosen my top must have native plants. Many of these native plants are not commonly seen and would make an exceptionally unique addition in your garden. All of these plants are grown on-site and are available from Plant Paradise Country Gardens. View all of the native plants we grow and sell here.

Click on the plant names to receive more information about each plant.

Tiarella cordifolia

Tiarella cordifolia

Agastache foeniculum


Asclepias tuberosa (butterflyweed)

Asclepias tuberosa

Zizia aurea

Zizia aurea

Aquilegia canadensis

Gillenia trifoliata (bowman's root)

Porteranthus trifoliatus (AKA Gillenia trifoliata)

Lobelia cardinalis

Lobelia cardinalis

Mertensia virginica

Mertensia virginica

Spigelia marilandica Little Redhead

Spigelia marilandica

Sanguinaria canadensis Multiplex (double bloodroot)

Sanguinaria canadensis ‘Multiplex’

All these plants and many more can be purchased from Plant Paradise Country Gardens.